Monday 3 May 2010

Let's Wrestle

Let's Wrestle. As an opening gambit, I'd say it offers a range of possibilities. Given the nature of this blog and its ongoing self-examination around generic values, this would be an appropriate place to go into a discussion of wrestling with concepts, tastes and musical trends.

But no, let's wrestle with fat men in leotards, chalky hands and sweaty crotches, low-budget production values, cheap cups of tea and elderly ladies braying for pantomime violence. Let's Wrestle peddle raw and infectious guitar pop, with a knowingness and self-referentiality throughout.

I came across Let's Wrestle through Stolen Recordings, who incidentally have a new sampler out here. It also includes the excellent Hot Silk Pockets and my new favourite band Screaming Tea Party. I think they will deserve their own fully fledged blog post soon.

Let's Wrestle: We are the Men you'll Grow to Love Soon
I'm so Lazy
I won't Lie to You

From In the Court of the Wrestling Let's, out now on Stolen Recordings.

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