Saturday 25 September 2010

Blackbird Blackbird // Frankie Rose

Two new bands I've been listening to recently - Blackbird Blackbird seem to be a band from San Francisco whose sound has been described as, variously, "hazy", "neon-fused", "crunk", "dream-like", etc. You get the picture. They're actually quite good. So have a listen to the tracks below:

Blackbird Blackbird: Pure

Band number two is Frankie Rose and the Outs, whose s/t record was released this week (on Slumberland!). RIYL: Best Coast, Vivian Girls, etc. RIYH: U2, Coldplay, etc etc. She's a Brooklyn bartender whose sound is easily categorised as "fuzz pop" but again is worth a listen.

Frankie Rose and the Outs: Little Brown Haired Girls

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